Sorry for the delay on updates, been busy getting things done. HK ID, course registration, buying textbooks, figuring out my daily routine, doing laundry, thinking of how to feed myself the next morning (no, I’m not broke.Its simply deciding between to eat in the room or drag my ass out of bed for breakfast in the canteen), and most of the time….remembering faces and names. So often where people yell “ Hey Jaqueline!!!!~” with this facial expression =D as if they’ve known me for a long time and I’ll yell back “Hey!!~” =D *avoid name* then try to chat and get a clue where I met this dude. Milo here taste different. Powdery, artificial, unauthentic taste. Not that I know how authentic Malaysia Milo is, but still, its not the same. I’m ordering a suitcase of Milo from home, thanks Ma! XD
Finally we got to come out from the hill to the city! Special thanks to Ah Bong, local student, for bring us around. This time we went to Avenue of Stars, fantastic night scene!!
忙着适应这里的生活,更新得没那么频密,抱歉,我尽量吧!我得还算OK,很多东西都上轨,正常运作了。只是很讨厌要囤积超多脏衣服才能拿去洗,不然想起来就觉得亏大了!HKD4洗衣半个小时、脱水HKD2五分钟、烘干机更贵,懒得算啦,反正就是一次过洗很多才划算。吃早餐就要想想到底要窝在房间喝杯麦片了事,还是下楼解决。同学都很友善,广东话真的真的好实用,没有了语言障碍比较容易和人家攀谈。哦对了,我爱大马Milo, 喝Milo长大的,一喝就知道有什么分别。妈,下次来看我时多拿一个行李箱装满Milo给我,谢啦!
上星期我们下山去探险啦!多得Susan在日文班里交到的本地学生—阿邦当导游带路,去到了星光大道看夜景 :
左起: Lily(台湾)、Karen (深圳), 我, Susan (上海)
from left : Lily from Taiwan, Karen from Shen zhen,China, me and Susan from Shanghai
Looks like a backdrop eh?
His idea of a group pic, long hands does the it.
阿邦的意思, 手长的负责按快门吧。
P.S. Photos of the night scene are still sealed away in the file, I do the necessaries when I find the time.
Sea view right from my window!
The pond beside my hostel, just by the edge of the mountain.
Wanna try to catch it when it has the best view
some say a few hours before the sunrise.
This is how it looks like at night
With Linda from Guang Zhou and Mei from Boleh land
O Camp group gatherings
Another HK culture.
You have back-to-school dinner and dress code : High school uniform or simply uniform
That explains the chef hat and lab coat for medic student.
All I can say is : “ I left my uniform in Malai”
Photo Credits : 组爸豪仔
First group gathering at Mong Kok
From left : 组妈Joyce、阿达、Fani、Me、Zoe
Photo Credits : 组爸豪仔
Okay enough, more writing than pics in the future, got to go sleep..